Category Archives: Acai Berries Inforamtion

Uncovering the Acai Berry Chronicles

Finding its “roots” in parts of Brazil, in the Amazon jungle, the acai berry has been providing the Brazilians with the boost they need to achieve a healthy body and to help develop their muscles and body tone for a great looking body. This fruit have been an open secret in this part of the world for centuries, with its tremendous health enhancing capacities, and is now being shared to the rest of the globe just recently. The popularity of this fruit have soared and it’s easy […]

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Types Of Heart Disease And 10 Ways To Avoid It

Heart disease consists of a number of problems affecting blood vessels in the heart and throughout the body. The types of heart disease are: Coronary artery disease, which is also known as CAD, is the most common form of heart disease that leads to heart attacks. CAD is when the arteries become hard and narrow. This causes the blood to have a hard time flowing properly leaving the heart without the amounts of blood it needs to function correctly. CAD leads to angina, which is pain in […]

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The Acai Berry – What It Does

For centuries, people living in South America have been eating acai berry due to its health benefits. In fact, a lot of the natives even say that this particular fruit has healing powers. Growing only high atop a plant in the Amazon basin, the acai berry has just been discovered in the modern world. Today, thanks to the wonderful properties of acai berry, this fruit is increasingly becoming very popular among a lot of people. So, why is it that the acai berry is just being discovered […]

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The Acai Berry Promise – A Guarantee to a Better Quality Life

Even though the Acai Berry, a fruit of the Acai palm, has been grown for centuries by tribes living in the Amazon Valley, it is only now that it has been widely popular as a tremendous source for nutrients and other compounds to promote good health and well being. Its popularity has opened a whole new market, and is now being grown in other parts of the world. Another proof that the acai berry has developed a solid reputation is the fact that many reputable personalities have […]

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The Acai Berry – An Old School Remedy for the New Generation

Its hard to imagine that one fruit could be a viable solution to many health predicaments. The acai berry is such a fruit and many have regarded it as a superfood. But if it’s such a good food to take, then why have we only discovered it just now? On the contrary, Acai berries have been around for centuries, its just that its medicinal benefits have been limited to the place where it naturally grows, in South America, it is only now that rest of the world […]

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Obesity And Heart Disease

Obesity is a rising metabolic disorder that affects the entire world. Obesity is closely related to heart disease and other health issues. It is the condition based on the body mass index (BMI), calculating the fat ratio from a formula using the height and weight of the individuals. The formula is weight in pounds divided by the height in inches squared divided by 703. The total of that calculation then is used against the chart to determine if the individual is underweight (18.5 or lower), healthy weight […]

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Heart Disease Stroke And Obesity

Obesity is defined as having too much body fat. The body consists of water, fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. When there is too much fat, you are at higher risks for health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. When you are obese, you magnify your risk for heart disease. When there is excess body fat it raises your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It raises your blood pressure and can lead to diabetes. In some cases for people with diabetes, […]

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Five Medication-free Strategies To Prevent Heart Disease

There are methods to help prevent heart disease other than leading a healthy life style. Heart disease is the leading cause of death yet it does not have to be a factor in your life. Here are five strategies to help protect the heart from heart disease. 1. Smoking or other tobacco products are one of the most significant risks for developing heart complications. No amount of smoking is safe for the heart. Medical studies have shown any form of tobacco products including smokeless tobacco and low […]

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Feel Clean Inside and Out with the Acai Berry

You may pamper yourself once in a while to look good. But no matter how much you bathe, scrub your skin, use lotion and any other skin products, it may all just end up as a futile attempt. Looking good is not just about cleaning your outside layer, it’s also about your insides. Healthy skin can easily be affected if your body is full of toxins, so it is essential that you are able to effectively detoxify your body to truly be clean and great looking. To […]

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A Simple Definition Of Obesity

The definition of obesity is having an excessive amount of body fat. It is not only a cosmetic issue it is a major health issue leading to health risks such as heart attracts, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Doctor use a formula called “body mass index” or BMI to calculate the levels of body fat. Adults with BMI’s over 30 are considered obese. Extreme obesity, which is sometimes called severe or morbid obesity, is when the BMI levels are 40 or higher. With morbid obesity, […]

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