Tag Archives: best supplement

The Acai Berry – What It Does

For centuries, people living in South America have been eating acai berry due to its health benefits. In fact, a lot of the natives even say that this particular fruit has healing powers. Growing only high atop a plant in the Amazon basin, the acai berry has just been discovered in the modern world. Today, thanks to the wonderful properties of acai berry, this fruit is increasingly becoming very popular among a lot of people. So, why is it that the acai berry is just being discovered […]

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The Acai Berry Promise – A Guarantee to a Better Quality Life

Even though the Acai Berry, a fruit of the Acai palm, has been grown for centuries by tribes living in the Amazon Valley, it is only now that it has been widely popular as a tremendous source for nutrients and other compounds to promote good health and well being. Its popularity has opened a whole new market, and is now being grown in other parts of the world. Another proof that the acai berry has developed a solid reputation is the fact that many reputable personalities have […]

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Permanent Weight Loss-Is It Possible

When you are dieting you are probably like many and have two things on your mind. You want to be able to lose the weight and keep the weight off permanently. Well ask yourself have you ever met anyone that has done this? Have you yourself done it? How many different diet programs have you personally been on? Were you able to achieve a permanent weight loss as a result? Well if you were lucky enough to do this then congrats because you are one in about […]

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Obesity And Heart Failure

In the past doctors thought, overweight patients had increased risks of developing heart failure due to complications from diabetes, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure yet new studies show that obesity leads to heart failure without the other medical conditions present. The studies also show that even excess body weight tremendously increases the risks even when the person is not considered obese. One study was based on 5881 people who volunteered for the case study at the institution. The people were either obese or overweight during […]

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Obesity And Heart Disease

Obesity is a rising metabolic disorder that affects the entire world. Obesity is closely related to heart disease and other health issues. It is the condition based on the body mass index (BMI), calculating the fat ratio from a formula using the height and weight of the individuals. The formula is weight in pounds divided by the height in inches squared divided by 703. The total of that calculation then is used against the chart to determine if the individual is underweight (18.5 or lower), healthy weight […]

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Ten How To Tips For Weight Loss

Have you have been trying to lose weight for sometime, but you feel like you are getting no where? You are becoming frustrated and you feel that you are out of options and nowhere else to turn. Well there are ten tips that you may not have tried that you probably will need to be aware of. These ten tips will actually help you succeed in your weight loss program. 1. Water. You need to begin your weight loss program by drinking plenty of water. When you […]

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Discover Overweight And Obesity Facts

Overweight is the amount of body weight including muscles, bone, fat, and water that are in excess. Obesity is the excess of accumulated body fat. It is possible to be overweight based on factors of muscle, such as the case of body builders, which have muscle that weighs three times the amount as fat. Most people that are overweight are also considered obese. One in three adults age 20-74 is overweight. This equals 58 million Americans based on the studies from 1980 to 1991, with the numbers […]

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Diets Review – Simple And Easy

Diets are a craze that never seems to slow down. There has always been one new diet after another with the promises of losing weight quickly with the newly formulated plan. Some work and some do not. There are pills, drinks, and meals to lose weight. Women have always been concerned about their diet and even more are obsessed with the weight loss aspect of the diet. Many want a fast solution to their weight issues. The fact remains that for any diet to work a person […]

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A Simple Definition Of Obesity

The definition of obesity is having an excessive amount of body fat. It is not only a cosmetic issue it is a major health issue leading to health risks such as heart attracts, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Doctor use a formula called “body mass index” or BMI to calculate the levels of body fat. Adults with BMI’s over 30 are considered obese. Extreme obesity, which is sometimes called severe or morbid obesity, is when the BMI levels are 40 or higher. With morbid obesity, […]

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Eight Most Popular Diets Today

People are obsessed with diets. They are constantly seeking the right diet to help them lose weight. There are currently eight popular diets that have worked effectively for many people and providing more options for dieting. 1. Atkins Diet focuses on controlling the levels of insulin in the body through the food consumed. It is based on the consumption of proteins in the diet to reduce the levels of insulin in the bloodstream. The increasing of the proteins leads to weight loss in many people. 2. Zone […]

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