Tag Archives: extract

What Role Does Sugar And Salt Portray In A Healthy Diet

It is only natural to like sweets. Many people have become used to having something sweet daily as part of their standard food consumption. Yet too many sweets in the diet can lead to weight gain and health risks. The fact the sweets contain refined sugars add to the complications in the diet. Refined sugars have negative health effects including hypoglycemia, arthritis, diabetes, headaches, suppression of the immune system, osteoporosis, and depression. It also is stored as fat within the body increasing the weight of the individuals […]

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Uncovering the Acai Berry Chronicles

Finding its “roots” in parts of Brazil, in the Amazon jungle, the acai berry has been providing the Brazilians with the boost they need to achieve a healthy body and to help develop their muscles and body tone for a great looking body. This fruit have been an open secret in this part of the world for centuries, with its tremendous health enhancing capacities, and is now being shared to the rest of the globe just recently. The popularity of this fruit have soared and it’s easy […]

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Types Of Heart Disease And 10 Ways To Avoid It

Heart disease consists of a number of problems affecting blood vessels in the heart and throughout the body. The types of heart disease are: Coronary artery disease, which is also known as CAD, is the most common form of heart disease that leads to heart attacks. CAD is when the arteries become hard and narrow. This causes the blood to have a hard time flowing properly leaving the heart without the amounts of blood it needs to function correctly. CAD leads to angina, which is pain in […]

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The Acai Berry – An Old School Remedy for the New Generation

Its hard to imagine that one fruit could be a viable solution to many health predicaments. The acai berry is such a fruit and many have regarded it as a superfood. But if it’s such a good food to take, then why have we only discovered it just now? On the contrary, Acai berries have been around for centuries, its just that its medicinal benefits have been limited to the place where it naturally grows, in South America, it is only now that rest of the world […]

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Quick Weight Loss Or Fad Diets

The American Heart Association has taken the time to compare quick weight loss to fad diets. This is quite helpful for the serious dieter seeking the best form of weight loss. Based on their findings they have been able to provide the information that is informative so a logical and critical decision can be made for dieting. The following is information from the AHA on different diets and their effects. The Cabbage Soup Diet is said to undermine the health, cause physical discomfort in the abdominal regions […]

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Popular Diets Then Again Maybe Not So Popular

For any dieter that keeps up to date on the numerous types of diets on the market, the numbers are astounding. It seems next to impossible to know the right diet to use or which one is healthy without any health risk factors. The following is a partial list of what some people claim to be “The Popular Diet” Many options include apple cider vinegar that is an old fashion weight loss remedy claiming to have many benefits including dieting issues. Monavie is a juice that uses […]

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Acai Berries in Your Diet

It is commonly known that fruit and veg are a necessary part of your diet. As boring as it may sound to many people, there is really no substitute for the nutrients that these natural products give you. Although companies are keen to sell them as supplements which promise to allow you a more simple diet, even going as far as to tell you that by taking their product you will be able to enjoy a more “fun” diet. They will promise that you can eat burgers […]

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Acai Berries and Energy

It is a common complaint expressed by many people – a lack of energy makes it really hard to get things done, and at any given time many of us are liable to a lack of drive that makes us want to drop what we are doing to grab a nap just to shake of this feeling of torpor. This lack of energy seems resistant to many of the supposed cures – eating something means we have to wait while a lethargic body processes it, and many […]

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Acai Berries – A Source of Antioxidants

As we get to know more about the different things that have negative or positive effects on our bodies – and dietary science is a fast-developing field – we start to find out things that we thought we knew are, if not wrong, then incomplete. If you had asked just about anyone what antioxidants were ten years ago, they wouldn’t have known. For that time, and before, we have found ourselves sticking to supposed rules on what was good for us – but in actual fact, we […]

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Acai Berries and Weight Loss

The popularity of Acai Berries as a method of weight loss has increased in recent years as people realize that they make a process which is often difficult a whole lot easier. There are a number of reasons why this is seen as important. It has for some time been a widely-held opinion that if something is good for you, it must be difficult or taste bad. This is an opinion that does not stand up strongly in the face of Acai Berries. It is easy to […]

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