Tag Archives: organic

11 Heart Disease Facts

Taking the time to know the facts about heart disease is one of the first steps to help with prevention. Here are some facts relating to heart disease that may help you with your battle so you can win easily. 1. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in America. 2. Heart disease death rate per 100,000 populations for the five largest cities in the U.S. based on racial and ethnic groups are Hispanics 69.2, Asians and Pacific Islanders 73, American […]

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Why “Acai”? The Story Of The Berry

With much of what we eat, and much of what we do, we know very little about the story that has brought it to its present status. OK, sure, so we know – most of us anyway – that hamburgers are so called because they were invented in the German city of Hamburg. But what of the Acai berry? What’s its story? Well, the following is a theory, a rumour and possibly a legend. It may well have been made up, but it sounds good and that’s […]

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Acai Berries – History

It is little known by people congratulating themselves for discovering the benefits of the Acai berry, but these little chunks of magic have been freely available and a popular way of getting energy and losing weight for some time. In actual fact, those of us who have only recently discovered the effects it has on us might benefit from stopping and thinking that it has been in use in South America for years – centuries, in fact. By comparison, we have been pretty slow to react in […]

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Acai Berry Tea

As a race of people we have become used to having a hot drink at certain times. For many of us it is the morning cup of coffee, something of a ritual in today’s society not only in the US, the UK and other such nations, but all over the world. There are few things that unite the world in such a way. A hot drink has so many benefits, from the obvious ones like warming you up on a bitterly cold day to more obscure ones, […]

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Acai Berry Powder

When a product hits the health market, it is amazing how quickly companies spring up selling that product and related ones. There is always a real buzz around anything that gives the impression it is likely to work, especially in the weight loss niche. Weight loss is after all a major issue for a lot of people, with concerns over one’s weight something which affect most of the industrialised world’s population at any given time. We have seen products come and go, but one can say with […]

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