Types Of Heart Disease And 10 Ways To Avoid It

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Heart disease consists of a number of problems affecting blood vessels in the heart and throughout the body. The types of heart disease are:

Coronary artery disease, which is also known as CAD, is the most common form of heart disease that leads to heart attacks. CAD is when the arteries become hard and narrow. This causes the blood to have a hard time flowing properly leaving the heart without the amounts of blood it needs to function correctly.

CAD leads to angina, which is pain in the chest feeling like a squeezing pain in the chest and sometimes in the arms, neck, jaw, and back. Some people state it also feels like indigestion.

Angina is not a heart attack, yet it can be a sign of a future heart attack. Heart attack is another element of CAD. This occurs when the arteries are either completely blocked or severely damaged.

Heart failure happens when the heart is unable to pump the blood through the body, leaving the primary organs to receive insufficient amounts of blood and oxygen. The signs of heart failure are shortness of breath or feeling like there is not enough air, swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet, and extreme tiredness or fatigue.

Heart arrhythmia is the changing of the heartbeat. People suffering from this complain of dizziness, feeling faint, out of breath, and having chest pains. In some cases, the irregular heartbeat is harmless yet in others, it results in surgery to install a pacemaker.

Women need to worry about heart disease since one out of four women in America die of heart disease. In 2004, nearly 60% more women died of cardiovascular disease than all forms of cancer combined. The odds of developing heart disease; increases with age. Both men and women have heart attacks yet women die more frequently from them then men.

To help prevent heart diseases know your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure do not always show signs so it is recommended to have your blood pressure checked every 1 to 2 years.

Avoid smoking since as it is one of the leading contributors to heart disease.

Get tested for diabetes. People with diabetes have increased risks of heart disease and other serious health problems.

Get your cholesterol checked. High cholesterol clogs the arteries keeping your heart from getting the blood it needs. This leads to heart attacks.

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases your risks of heart disease.

Limit alcohol consumption to one drink a day with no more than a 12-ounce beer or a 5-ounce glass of wine.

Find healthy ways to deal with stress. Stress is a silent factor for heart disease.

Changing your current life style can help reduce the risks of heart disease.

Add exercise and a healthy diet to your life to improve the quality of life and reduce the risks of heart disease.

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